Jenkins agent service can not start automatically on Windows

What’s the issue

My Windows build machine is regular reboot after Windows updates, but my Jenkins agent service on this Windows can not
start automatically even I have set the startup type to Automatic.

Solution 1

After some research, select “Allow service to interact with desktop” with service properties on Log On tab can fix this problem.

In service properties -> Log On -> Select “Local System account” and select the checkbox for “Allow service to interact with desktop”.

Solution 2

If above solution still does not work, you can write a restart jenkins agent service batch script and put it to Startup folder.

Here is a example: Setup autostart Jenkins agent service after Windows reboot

Semi-automatic setup Jenkins Agent on Windows

The above mentioned project win-jenkins-agent not only supports auto start Jenkins agent server after Windows reboot, but also supports semi-automatic setup Jenkins agent on Windows.
